PKon Rx

Feature-Rich Pharmacy Management System
PKonRx is the centerpiece of the SRS system. Rich in features and tightly integrated with other SRS-developed pharmacy management solutions, PKonRx addresses every aspect of pharmacy operations to make life easier and more productive. This allows pharmacy staff to focus on taking care of the customer and have no worries about the pharmacy system.
- Prescription hard copy scanning
- Workflow
- Low profit margin alerts
- Smartphone & online refills
- PhoneManager
- Text messaging for Rx pick-up
- Translated SIGs
- Surescripts® certified for e-prescriptions
- Tall Man lettering
- Integrated POS
- MAR printing (color and B&W)
- Integrated IVR
- Medicare eligibility checking
- EPCS Certified (Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances)
- Integrated electronic signature capture
- Commercial insurance eligibility
- 340B
- Numerous automation interfaces
- Doctor Auto-Fax
- Internet credit/debit card processing
- Data conversions
- Drug imprint lookup
- Wholesaler EDI ordering
- Scan barcode for verification
- Wholesale acquisition cost updates
- Automated off-site backup
- Perpetual inventory
- NPPES NPI validation
- Thermal printing
- DEA & Surescripts® doctor databases
Keep An Eye On Your Profits
- True real-time scanning of unprofitable prescriptions upon claim adjudication
- AWP and U&C Analysis reports identify potential profit opportunities
- Wholesale acquisition cost updates provide for true profitability reporting
- Integrated POS tracks all prescriptions leaving the pharmacy
- Increased cash flow and inventory turns via perpetual inventory feature
SRS Is Your Systems Provider
- ALL system updates are automated - no CD's to load or staying after hours to process updates
- Pre-loaded drug database of over 200,000 drugs allows new products to be added in seconds
- DEA, NPI and Surescripts® databases are stored locally - no extra typing or waiting for a web response
- SRS-maintained network keeps the pharmacy up and running - no need to worry about I/T maintenance
- Linux operating system allows for multiple users and multi-tasking with no system degradation
Rx Scanning

Prescription Scanning and RPh Verifications
Directly integrated with SRS's PKon Rx pharmacy management software, PKonScan allows scanning and storing images of physicians' hard copy prescriptions. Also available is RPh Verify, which allows the user to view current fill information and compare it with the original scanned prescription, patient medication history, and patient fill history.
Scanning Highlights
- Quick, efficient scanning of original prescription
- Attach Rx image from any workstation
- No need for multiple scanners
- Barcode scan attachment of Rx image to Rx number
- Easy retrieval and review of original prescription on screen
- Supports widescreen HD monitors
- On-screen Rx image and Pill image while filling Rx
- Review original prescription (scanned or electronic) on every fill
- E-prescriptions automatically converted to digital images
- 1/4-page, 1/2-page and full-page prescriptions
- Automated backup of scanned images for HIPAA Disaster Recovery
- Small footprint area
RPh Verify Highlights
- View scanned image of the original prescription
- NDC and pill image confirmation
- Convenient fill information at a glance
- Workflow features
- Fill and verification documentation

More effective Cash Management
Once thought to be a fixture in only large pharmacies, an efficient point-of-sale system is now a necessity for any pharmacy looking to more effectively manage their overall business. From complying with recent IRS regulations for FSA/HRA cards, creating a more accurate and efficient checkout process for customers, to managing pharmacy will-call bins, SRS's PKon POS is the answer.
Increased Efficiencies
Creating a single point of entry for all sales transactions, charges and payments, PKon POS makes the once tedious end-of-day processes quicker and more efficient, as well as add profitability by improving margins, identifying sales trends and opportunities.
- Direct integration with other SRS-developed products such as PKonRx, eSignature, and A/R
- POS A/R transactions automatically update pharmacy A/R module - no need for double entry
- Record all "paid-in" and "paid-out" transactions through POS
- Post Customer A/R and PBM payments
- Eliminate analyzing register tapes with clear and concise POS reports
- End-of-day takes only minutes
- Create start and stop dates for promotions ahead of time
- Add item messages that remind clerks of promotions, cross-sell and up-sell product
- Identify sales trends by item, department or after each promotion
- Shipping program through UPS and FedEx allows pharmacies to ship daily packages
- Easily keep track of delivered prescriptions, signatures, and payments with the Delivery Manager
- Protect margins by tracking price overrides
- USPS Shipping
Increased Security
Enhance security and employee accountability by implementing the following security features:
- Clerk tracking for every POS transaction
- Track unauthorized price overrides, voided transaction or discounts
- Restrict register(s) and POS tasks to specific users
- PCI DSS-compliant software protects customer credit card data from fraud and abuse
Improved Customer Experience
- POS conveys a more professional image to customers
- POS delivers faster sales transactions and reduces the amount of time customers spend in checkout lines
- POS allows the pharmacy to offer convenient payment options (e.g. credit, debit, FSA, HRA or in-store charge account)
- One signature pad to handle all PBM, HIPAA, NSC, A/R and credit/debit card signatures
- Wireless tablet available for capturing drive-through window signatures
EMV Credit/Debit

EMV, which stands for Europay, Mastercard and Visa, is a global standard for cards equipped with computer chips and the technology used to authenticate chip-card transactions. SRS' EMV solution helps pharmacies avoid liability costs, reduce card-present fraud, and protect patients from fraudulent purchases.
EMV Features
- EMV chip reader
- IIAS FSA/HSA support
- Swipe capabilities
- PCI compliant credit card storage
- Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Wallet Support
- Debit cash back support
- EBT support
- Point to point encryption
- Streamlined PCI compliance process
- Full EMV compliance
- Reduced merchant liability
- Reduced fraud liability
- Enhanced security
- SRS managed PCI Compliance Package
- Includes SAQ-C, site scans, Policies & Procedures,
Multi-state Prescription Monitoring Program

Automatically Report PMP
SRS's process for PMP reporting (m-PMP) is designed to help pharmacies more easily comply with state control substance reporting (PMP) laws. PKon provides automatic reporting to multiple states. m-PMP reports controlled substance prescription data that is sold, shipped or delivered to states outside pharmacy's home state.
Increased Efficiencies
- Automatically reports controlled substance prescriptions
- Reports to multiple state monitoring programs with no additional effort
- Automatically keeps changed and deleted records up to date
- Ensures that state requirements are met before records are sent
- Integrates with PKon Delivery and Shipping
Shipping Manager

Fast and Easy Shipping
PKon Shipping Manager is an integrated system to handle prescription shipment from the pharmacy to patients and medical facilities. Easily print FedEx, UPS, and USPS shipping labels and track shipment status, all from within PKon POS.
- Tracking for up-to-date fill status in PKon Workflow
- Tight integration of PKonPOS for familiar workflow
- Sale screen and receipts clearly indicate shipment information and up-to-date status
- Reports give detailed answers to common questions
Shipping Interface
- Software interfaces with FedEx, UPS, and USPS
- Easy selection of special handling options: packaging, signature confirmation, and Saturday delivery
- Answers customer tracking questions with ease
- Rate shopping makes finding the best value easy
- Zebra thermal printer reliably produces high-quality shipping labels for no delays in processing
Delivery Manager

An Integrated Package
PKon Delivery Manager is an organized system to track prescription delivery from the pharmacy to the patients home or LTC facility. Easily manage payments, collect signatures, and report any exceptions using any smart device with cellular capabilities.
An Integrated Package
- Integrated with PKon eSignature and POS
- Group and alternative address
- Supports multiple delivery drivers
- Complete delivery workflow tracking
- Delivery exceptions such as: patient not home
- Driver security pin
- LTC and residential
- Rx and OTC support
- Easily adjust deliveries to different devices
- Better audit analysis and reporting with eSignatures
Portable Signature Collection
- LTC facilities or residential
- Collect electronic signatures during deliveries
- Eliminate paper signatures
- Portable and cost effective
- Better Audit Protection
- Developed and supported by SRS
- Delivery is tightly integrated with PKonRx Software

Enhancing Compliance
eSignature replaces the standard paper signature log, assisting with collecting patients' signatures for Federal and State law compliance, in addition to easing the retrieval of signatures for business or third-party audits. Developed by SRS and tightly integrated with PKonRx and PKon POS, eSignature is the perfect solution for today's ever-increasing privacy requirements.
One Pad for ALL Signatures
Some pharmacy systems require one signature pad for HIPAA NOPP and Rx pickup signatures and another signature pad for credit or debit card signatures. eSignature allows the capture of all pharmacy AND credit/debit card-related signatures from one pad.
- HIPAA Notice of Privacy Policy (NOPP)
- Prescription pickup (OBRA90)
- Authorization of non-safety caps
- Pseudoephedrine, narcotics and other logging
- In-store charge accounts, "paid-outs", and other transactions
- Credit/debit card and FSA/HRA card signatures
Direct PKonRx Integration
Unlike commercial, off-the-shelf, electronic signature capture applications which require an interface to your POS or pharmacy management system, SRS has incorporated eSignature capabilities directly into our PKonRx pharmacy management and POS software code. The end result is that there are no interfaces to "go down" and workflow is dramatically improved.

Nursing Home Software
When a full-scale nursing home management system isn't needed, there is PKon MAR. Designed for pharmacies serving nursing home, assisted living or group homes that require Medication Administration Records (MARs), this streamlined program is affordable, versatile and easy to use. Integrating seamlessly with the PKonRx pharmacy management system, PKon MAR saves time and effort in patient or prescription data entry. PKon MAR also supports laser forms, eliminating the need for expensive preprinted forms.
PKon MAR Highlights
- Ability to print full-color MARs in the Pharmacy
- 2-sided printing available
- Landscape and portrait options
- Shares prescription, patient, doctor, and drug information with PKonRx
- Adds additional home-related patient information tracking
- Features to manage non-Rx orders
- Print MARs for one patient or entire facility
- Customized administration times
- Tracks facility information
- Tracks additional Patient disease states
- Nurse Notes
eMARs Direct Interface
SRS offers direct interfaces with eMAR vendors such as ECP and QuickMAR for homes looking to eliminate paper-based MARs.

Customer Call Management 24/7
Managing customer calls is vital to a well-functioning pharmacy. PKon IVR allows for management of all aspects of customer calls, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from messaging to inquiring of prescription status, to forwarding of phoned-in refills directly to the PKonRx Refill Queue. Directly integrated with PKonRx, IVR provides pharmacies with the "always on" technology that more and more customers are coming to expect from their pharmacy.
Increase Customer & Physician Satisfaction
IVR increases satisfaction for customers and physicians alike:
- Allows customers to order refills or check refill status by phone when the pharmacy is closed
- Easy pass-through for customers who want to speak to the pharmacy directly
- Automatic store hours and holiday closing notices
Over one year's time, answering customers' refill calls can dramatically add up, decreasing productivity and taking away valuable pharmacist-patient counseling opportunities.
How much time? Using the following typical pharmacy data, one can easily see that handling refills manually by phone could add up to 540 hours per year.
- 180 Rx's per day with 50% being refills
- 80% of these refills being phoned-in (90 x .80 = 72 refills per day phoned-in)
- Each phoned-in refill taking 90 seconds (72 x 90 = 6480 seconds or 108 minutes per day)
- Pharmacy open 300 days per year (300 x 108 = 32,400 minutes/year or 540 hours)
Reduce Costs & Call Volume
What is the cost associated with these manual calls? Using an 80/20 ratio, with pharmacy technicians handling 80% of the phoned-in refills, the labor costs for one year alone could exceed $10,000.
Implementing IVR could easily reduce call volume by up to 50% creating a quick and measurable Return on Investment (ROI), allowing you to spend more time with your customers.

For pharmacies looking to replace or upgrade their current phone system, PhoneManager combines SRS's IVR application with a SRS-developed phone system. Features include:
- SRS product - not a re-seller.
- Multi-line digital phone handsets
- On-hold, voicemail, call transfer, call forwarding, music on hold, paging, park, conference calling, speaker phone
- Caller ID supported
- Voicemail message audible alert
- Phones have large 320 x 160 pixel backlit LCD display
Receivables (A/R)

Managing Income
Keeping an eye on the bottom line can be a full-time job. That's why SRS developed Receivables. This versatile two-in-one program features a major medical billing system and an in-store charge program.
Receivables provides medical invoice and statement generation along with transaction histories and tracking systems. It is fully integrated with PKonRx and POS so that patient and prescription information is shared, eliminating dual entry time. Historical information is easily accessible so that when a customer needs a copy of an invoice or statement, reprinting is only a matter of a few keystrokes.
Smartphone Refills

Customer Refills Just Got Easier!
With smartphones gaining in popularity, SRS offers a mobile solution for you to provide yet another way for your customers to order refills. By simply scanning a square barcode located on the bottle label, customers can order refills 24/7, saving valuable time! Directly integrated with PKonRx, the Smartphone Refill App provides pharmacies with the technology that more and more customers expect from their pharmacy.
Smartphone Refill Highlights
- Allows customers to order refills 24/7
- Easy for customers and pharmacy staff to use
- Refills delivered to PKonRx Refill Queue for fast and easy processing
- Branded with your pharmacy's logo
- Promotes a technology-friendly image to your customers
- For iPhone and Android smartphones
- Marketing materials included
RxReady Text Alerts

"Your Prescription is Ready"...With a Text!
Patients save time and pharmacy satisfaction increases with SRS's mobile text messaging service, PKon RxReady. With PKon RxReady, patients are notified via a text message when their prescriptions are ready for pick-up. Reduce "is my prescription ready?" calls to your pharmacy. PKon RxReady additionally allows custom reminders and dialogs with patients.
RxReady Text Alert Highlights
- Notify patients via a text message their prescriptions are ready to be picked up
- Automatically send messages to patients reminding them to pick up their scripts
- Promotes a technology-friendly image to your customers
- Ability to create and send a manual text message from the PKonRx pharmacy system

Surescripts® Certified!
As a Surescripts® certified pharmacy software system, SRS's PKonRx pharmacy management system allows for the receipt of e-Prescriptions directly into the PKonRx RxQueue as well as the sending and receiving of electronic renewal authorization requests to physicians connected to the Surescripts® network. Pharmacies can rest at ease knowing that their system is EPCS (Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances) certified by the leading, federally accredited, certifying body - iBeta.
Pharmacy Benefits of e-Prescriptions
By creating a more "clean" prescription, e-Prescriptions benefit the pharmacy by:
- Reducing calls and/or faxes to physicians for refill requests or clarification of prescription information
- By offering physicians access to patient's benefit coverage, there is less likelihood of pharmacy claim rejections, resulting in less pharmacy re-work
- Less time spent interpreting physician handwriting and re-keying of data means more time to spend on patient or pharmacy-centric activities
- Ability to view e-Prescription data during the PKonRx Fill process eliminates having to "back out" or flip screens to review what was actually sent by the physician
e-Prescribing Process
e-Prescriptions flow directly into the pharmacy system's workflow queue and are easily processed. The SRS process helps the pharmacy in several areas by:
- Providing validation edits for incoming e-Prescriptions
- Providing an easy look-up method to link e-Prescriptions to appropriate doctors and patients
- An easy Rx entry process that simultaneously references to original e-Prescription and entered data
- Checking entered Rx data against original e-Prescription data
- Allowing quick historical searches for past e-Prescriptions
- Efficiently applying DEA guidelines so that pharmacies can easily comply with Federal Law
Off-Site Backup

Protecting The Most Valuable Asset
Data loss translates to lost revenue and lost customers, which can have long-term and devastating effects on a business. Findings from the Contingency Planning Group and the Strategic Research Corporation show that 43% of U.S. companies which suffer from irretrievable data loss never reopen. Of the companies that do reopen, 29% close down within two years. Having data restored immediately is crucial to you getting back up and running and providing much-needed medications to your loyal customers.
Off-Site Backup Key Features
- Easy to implement - SRS configures and monitors it for you
- Archive frequencies of daily, weekly or monthly
- Flexible destination options - SRS or customer-specific
- Data stored in local raid and geographically diverse locations for extra peace of mind
- PGP-based encryption for secure transmission and storage
Pharmacy Benefits
- No tapes or disks in Pharmacy to lose or backup
- No daily or periodic maintenance required
- No media or hardware to wear out
- Enhances HIPAA Disaster Recovery Plan
- Improves catastrophic protection via multi-site storage
- Quick data recovery

Eliminate Manual Faxing
Tired of manually faxing refill requests to physicians? Save time and money by automating this task with Auto-Fax. More than just a fax dialing program, Auto-Fax is a fax monitoring system. Quickly select prescriptions from the Patient Profile or during the Fill process and electronically fax New Prescription, Prior Authorization, Step Therapy or Drug Substitution requests to the physician without any manual intervention. Auto-Fax notes the time, date and completion of the fax to the physician.
Auto-Fax in E-Prescribing Age?
With existing EPCS requirements, Faxing of refill requests is diminishing. However, Faxing in general is still widely used by practitioners for Retail and LTC pharmacies. Auto-Fax is a convenient process to aid communication with doctors and other medical care entities.
Free up Hundreds of Hours
A typical pharmacy might fax 20 to 30 Rx renewal requests per day. With the length of time to print and manually fax these requests averaging one minute, over the course of one year this can add up to 100 to 150 hours of wasted time. Auto-Fax relieves the pharmacy staff from this task, freeing up valuable time that can be spent on more productive pharmacy-related activities.
Auto-Fax Highlights
- Direct integration with PKonRx pharmacy management system
- From any workstation, any task, send fax requests to any physician
- Ability to fax-only or fax and print
- Fax log with error tracking to assure that all faxes are transmitted and received
- View outbound fax history by physician, patient, or all faxes
- Up to 5 fax attempts before aborting
- Patient Profile denoted with Auto-Fax time and date stamp

Fast Network Technology
SRS uses secure technology to provide reliable, no-hassle interfaces with industry vendors. Interfaces enhance pharmacy efficiency and capabilities by providing access to specialized services such as robotics, purchase programs, and eMARs.
PKon Software Suite:
Interface List:
Amerisource Bergen

Amerisource Bergen is a drug wholesale company.

Amplicare's easy-to-use, time-saving pharmacy tools highlight healthcare opportunities that positively impact pharmacists and their patients.

Distributes generic, brand, specialty and Over-the-Counter pharmaceutical products to healthcare providers.

ASAP's mission is to foster understanding of the role that technology plays in assisting pharmacists to promote patient safety and the proper use of medications, comply with laws and regulations, and operate their practices more efficiently.
American Assocaited Pharmacies

A member-owned cooperative of over 2,000 independent pharmacies working together like a "chain".

Integrates SMS messaging into core applications & software.

Bellco is a full-line wholesale distributor of over 20,000 branded and generic products.
Cardinal Health

Cardinal Health is one of the largest healthcare supply chains in North America for Independent, Hospital and Chain pharmacies.
Change Healthcare

Formerly know as Emdeon, Change Healthcare services providers, payers and pharmacies.

covermymeds seamlessly integrates with EHR systems to provide hospitals and prescribers with ePA functionality at the point of prescribing.
Dakota Drug Inc.

A full service drug and dme distributor.
Dik Drug Co.

Distributes generic pharmaceutical products.

Simple, Safe and Convenient Pill Organizer, Multi-Dose Medication Packaging System.

Eldermark is an electronic MAR software program to improve efficiency, reduce potential for errors, and enhances profitability while greatly increasing the quality of medication administration.

Endicia's electronic postage solutions make it more manageable and affordable to ship and mail through the U.S. Postal Service.
Endless Destinations

Custom Delivery serving the greater metro Detroit area.
eRx Network

ERX Network is a high-speed pharmacy network that provides comprehensive, flexible solutions for pharmacies that are designed to integrate into existing workflows for maximum efficiency.
Extended Care Professionals

ECP assisted living software is a web based software for assisted living facilities.

Designs and manufactures countertop automation for Pill Counting and Rx Validation.

FDS is a national provider of medication adherence, patient communication, pharmacy data analysis and medication synchronization services for independent pharmacies.

FedEx Corporation is an American global courier delivery services company headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.
Great Lakes Wholesale

Serves independent pharmacies with generic and brand pharmaceuticals.
HD Smith

Providing services and solutions for manufacturers and healthcare providers.

IQVIA is committed to bringing clients the best in creative problem solving, enabling healthcare companies to innovate with confidence, maximize opportunities, and ultimately drive human health forward.

Keysource is a national wholesale distributor of generic pharmaceuticals to retail pharmacies.
Kirby Lester

Automated dispensing devices that make dispensing safer and more precise.
Macro Helix

Provides software solutions to help covered entities and contract pharmacies navigate the 340B environment.

Delivers vital medicines, medical supplies and health care information technology solutions.

Medicat is a clinical tool for managing patient health.
Medicine On Time

Medicine-On-Time provides packaging products that produce an average medication compliance rate of 95.7%, and has been scientifically proven to provide real protection against nursing home admissions.

Data resource designed for pharmacies.

Monetra is a fast, efficient and secure payment application designed to scale from small custom embedded devices to fully redundant payment servers processing thousands of payments per minute.
Morris & Dickson

A full line wholesale pharmaceutical distributor, with headquarters.
Mutual Drug

Wholesale cooperative for independent pharmacies.

Standards for the electronic exchange of healthcare information related to pharmacy services.

Pharmacy reimbursement and business analytic solutions.

Nielsen measures and monitors what consumers watch and what consumers buy on a global and local basis.

Nimble offers tech-forward solutions including patient notification, new patient information collection, and delivery coordination services.

OmniSYS helps pharmacies engage patients, grow clinical services, and improve financial performance.

OnTrac offers shippers the right services to meet their parcel logistics needs in the Western U.S.

Automated Pharmacy Solutions

PDN is a healthcare data combinator that combines variables in diverse data libraries to create one common database in order to enter, collect, store, and share across all systems involved in the network.
PDR Carepoints

PDR provides event-driven and clinically relevant healthcare messaging through its patented process that improves patient compliance and outcomes, while preserving privacy.

SRS Pharmacy Systems has partnered with Pleio, Inc to support community pharmacy's goal of exceptional customer service and increasing CMS 5 star ratings.
Point and Click Solutions

Provides a complete suite of products specifically designed for college health.
ProMed Delivery

ProMed Delivery specializes in customized Same-Day and NextDay delivery for a variety of industries throughout Michigan.
Prescribe Wellness

Pharmacy software solutions that promote medication adherence and make med sync easy.
Prescription Supply Inc.

Provides nationwide distribution of pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter products, along with other related services.

Long-term care and pharmacy software company.

RDC is a full-line wholesaler priding themselves on serving community retail pharmacy and home healthcare dealers. They offer all of today's modern technological advancements and an assortment of programs designed to give stores true advantage.
Relay Health

RelayHealth provides clinical connectivity to physicians, patients, hospitals and more using innovative health information technology.

RepeatRewards is a full service marketing firm focused on giving businesses of all sizes the tools needed for success.
Retail Insights, LLC

Retail Insights, LLC is able to take many different data feeds in different formats and bring them together to provide easily customizable excel based reporting for additional analysis.

RxMedic is a dispensing technology for pharmacies that allow for quick and easy prescription filling and dispensing.

RxSafe provides comprehensive, automated robotic storage, and retrieval for retail pharmacies.

RxTran specializes in multi-language SIG translation that provides instant instruction in each patient's primary language.

Provides integrated, robotics-enabled systems to optimize retail and ambulatory pharmacy services.

Provides technology solutions that help healthcare providers address some of the biggest challenges in the pharmacy.

The Special Interest Group for IIAS Standards was formed to create a standard industry solution that could be both scaleable and broadly adoptable, while consistent with IRS requirements.

SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities.
STAT Overnight

STAT Overnight provides overnight and courier delivery services. STAT Overnight makes hundreds of thousands of deliveries every month on behalf of customers all over the Southwest region of the U.S.

Surescripts® connects pharmacies, care providers, benefit managers, and technology partners to get the right information to the right place at the right time.

Symphony Health Solutions provides thorough data and powerful analytics to help professionals understand the full market lifecycle, from predictive market analysis to patient influence, physician prescribing, pharmacy fulfillment, payer reimbursement, and sales compensation.
Synergy Medical

Pharmacy automation for single and multi-dose blister packs.

Supplier of pharmacy automation and workflow solutions.

TranSafe® is a modern payment gateway service provided by Main Street Softworks, Inc. It enables businesses to accept credit/debit/gift cards via any commerce channel through one managed system (EMV, magnetic swipe, contactless, manually-keyed, mobile and eCommerce transactions).

UPS is the world's largest package delivery company and a provider of supply chain management solutions.

Providing Affordability For Those In Need
Few can argue that the federal 340B program offers important access to critical medications for those in need. But, it's also challenging for a pharmacy to manage both the typical retail needs as well as the needs of 340B retail such as reporting, dispensing activity, tracking and separate inventory maintenance.
SRS's integrated retail 340B program removes the once-burdensome barriers by providing an affordable, easy-to-use pharmacy management system perfectly-suited for a mixed-use retail pharmacy setting.
340B Highlights
- 340B and non-340B Rx's filled from the same pharmacy system - no separate logins or "flipping" of screens required
- Dual "virtual" inventory with a single physical inventory
- Multiple wholesaler EDI support
- Electronic wholesale acquisition cost and inventory updates
- System restricts filling of 340B products to 340B-eligible patients only
- Compliance-enhancing dispensing, billing, profitability and inventory reports
- Can allow for State Medicaid "carve-out" billing (increase your profitability)
- Pfizer Share the Care™ compliance
Thermal Printing

Fast, Compact Printing
With constantly changing pharmacy workflow and labeling requirements, SRS meets the need with our thermal printing solution from Zebra Technologies. Offering fast print speed, quick throughput, compact design and simple, yet rugged construction, thermal printers are a cost-effective alternative to laser printers for refill prescriptions, nursing home unit-dose labels, or as an emergency backup printer. With easy controls and a proven side-loading design, replacing and knowing when to restock labels is as easy as 1-2-3.
No Toner = Reduced Printing Costs
Because the direct thermal printing process uses heat to produce text and barcodes, there's no expensive toner cartridges or ribbons to replace, which results in lower overall label printing costs and an environmentally-friendly product.
Printer Highlights
- Hassle-Free - straight paper path prevents jams
- Economical - cost less to use than laser printers
- Environmentally-friendly - no toner or ribbons to throw away
- Compact design - 10.7"w x 18.8"d x 11.6"h
- Fast - prints labels in as little as 2 seconds

The Easy Way to Track Staff Hours
Tired of tracking staff hours the old-fashioned way? Automate time tracking with TimeClock. It's simple for an entire staff to use with easy access to clocking in and out and confidentiality is assured with employee pin access. Track hours worked as well as vacation and sick time, and produce complete time tracking reports.
Barcoded Bagging

Fast, Efficient Checkout
Streamline the pharmacy's checkout process with SRS' Barcoded Bagging system. Utilizing the slat wall mounted rack model or the free standing rack model will make your checkout process faster and more efficient. Multiple bag sizes allow for small and large, Rx and OTC items.
- Avoid multiple bags. System notifies if patient has another bag
- Multiple patients allowed per bag
- Supports OTC's and special order items
- Supports partial fills
- Use PKon workstation to confirm scripts are ready for pickup
- Integrates with RxReady, a text will be sent to the patient as soon as their Rx is in will-call
- Physical checks of the will-call bin contents are not required
- Low Cost
- No monthly fees
Hosted Websites

A Fully Customizable and Professional Website for Your Pharmacy
Get more resources with less hassle. SRS will customize, edit and manage your pharmacy's website that is helpful for both the customer and you, while maintaining its security and reliability.
Website Features
- Integrates with your system's online refill requests and Patient Prescription Portal
- Patients can view their prescription history, request refills, and see real-time prescription filling status
- Medication history can easily be printed from a patient's smartphone or computer
- Patients can send a secure image of the insurance card or any other ID directly to the pharmacy
- Website contains directions, contact information, operating hours, health tips, and pharmacy services